Thursday, May 18, 2006

Beer and Calendar Girls

Like any sport, we need funding to buy beer uniforms (we don't drink beer in training, Ed.) and to keep our training facilities running with state-of-the-art equipment. Curling isn't cheap! Do you know how much it costs to run an ice rink?! And curling stones aren't just some river rocks. They're made of a very special granite called Blue Hone, which is known for its toughness and resiliency. Blue Hone granite only comes from one location, Ailsa Craig, Scotland. Due to the rarity of the material, and the fact that the Craig is now a bird sanctuary, a set of 16 stones costs $12,000.

Also like most sports, we're male dominated and not above exploiting (attractive, Ed.) women to raise awareness and money. We're hawking the Ana Arce "Fire on Ice" calendar, which features some artsy photos of hot women curlers. Never to miss out on an opportunity to comment on, if they're not printing photos of, scantily clad women, Playboy has announced they love it. I know what we'll be seeing in ice rinks across the world from now until forever. Rowrrrrr!

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